Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics - Research Group Optimization

DFG Project Robust Algorithms for Discrete Optimization Problems SPP 1307
(second funding period)


Task 1: Robustness concepts for discrete optimization problems

Although robustness concepts for continuous optimization problems have been well-studied, the situation differs in the case of discrete optimization problems. In this task we will investigate to what extend solution approaches can be adapted.

Task 2: Discrete locating of a robust solution in solution space

Searching for a robust discrete solution is considered as an integer location problem, permitting the use of algorithms and techniques from the field of location theory.

Task 3: Algorithms for robust optimization

Drawing from the results of Task 1 and 2, we develop algorithms for finding robust solutions to discrete optimization problems.

Task 4: Classification and robust optimization software libraries

By collecting and classifying the results we obtain, a software library is created, putting robust optimization from theory closer to practice.

Task 5: Numerical and practical studies

In parallel to developing the theoretical and algorithmic framework, all results are tested on real-world datasets.
The following diagram (adapted from Foundations of Algorithm Engineering by Matthias Müller-Hannemann and Stefan Schirra, in Algorithm Engineering, Springer LNCS 5971) demonstrates the mutual influence of the five presented tasks.  
Arbeitsgruppe Optimierung