Pilotprojekt Interdisziplinäres Lernen und Zusammenarbeit (PILZ)
PILZ is a interdisciplinary and pratical course, that allows students
to apply their knowledge also outside their subject and on the solving of pratical problems.
PILZ consists of three modules:
Compact course
The goal of the week-long course is to give an introduction to the interdisciplinary problem.
Furthermore key qualifications are imparted to enable a successful project work.
The course is free of registration and can be visited independently of a project work.
Project work
After participation in the compact course the projects are assigned to interested students.
The project work takes place in interdisciplinary groups and, if possible, in cooperation with local companies.
Project publication
The results of the projects are presented within the framework of a presentation.
Furthermore the project reports and the content of the compact course are published in an interdisciplinary volume.
PILZ is modeld after
MISP of the
TU Kaiserslautern,
funded by tuition fees and is offered since WS 07/08.