A short presentation of the Research Group Optimization
Applied mathematics are an important field of research where mathematical methods are enhanced and put in use for
real problems and applications. Today it is already possible to solve problems with several
thousands of variables and constraints quickly and reliably.
Even though the development of computer technology makes a large contribution to solving
numerical problems, the expected rise in computing power doesn't suffice to solve real world's problems that are
often very large or extremly hard.
In fact mathematical methods are required to gain insight into the problem's structure.
Based on the knowledge of the problem's structure efficient algorithms can be developed.
The Research Group Optimization of the Georg-August-Universität has been founded in 2004 and focuses
on discrete optimization under the direction of Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel.
The treated fields of research are part of combinatorial optimization and include:
as well as their respective applications.
The research group periodically provides courses on discrete optimization. In doing so also new forms besides
lectures, exercise courses and seminars are used.
During the
Pilotprojekt PILZ
students have the chance to develop mathematical methods on real problems.
On the other hand important key qualifications are gained in these projects as PILZ is
In a project to improve subsidiary mathematics the Research Group Optimization
looks at mathematical methods used in biology and geology. Further information on courses currently offered
is found here:
A field of application is delay management in rail traffic. In close cooperation with the German national railway
company (Deutsche Bahn AG) and in Europe-wide cooperation with other universities among other things time tables are developed
that can avoid expansion of delays by their design.